Illuminati cult

Illuminati cult

It seems like every day we hear stories about some crazy conspiracy theory being promoted by some fringe group. But the truth is, these theories aren't just made up out of whole cloth; they're based on facts and reality. Here are 5 examples of popular conspiracies that are actually true. Join real illuminati

#1 - The Illuminati Control Everything

In 1776, Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati, a secret society dedicated to overthrowing the Catholic Church and establishing a world government ruled by Satanists.

Since then, the Illuminati have been blamed for everything from 9/11 to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. They've also been accused of controlling Hollywood, the music industry, and the stock market.

But none of this is true. According to legend, the Illuminati was created after a meeting between Freemasons and Rosicrucians in Frankfurt am Main, Germany during the early 18th century. However, historians now believe that the Illuminati were actually formed much earlier, around 1680. Illuminati page

#2 - The Federal Reserve Is Secretly Ruling America

For years, rumors have circulated that the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank is secretly ruling the United States. These rumors claim that the Fed controls all U.S. currency, interest rates, trade, and economic activity.

However, the Fed doesn't control anything. Instead, its policies set monetary policy for the entire economy. And since 1971, the Fed has operated under a congressional charter that requires it to provide Congress with regular reports explaining its actions.

#3 - The Government Illuminatiam Conspires To Hide Evidence of Aliens on Earth

Over the past several decades, governments and scientists alike have claimed that aliens exist and visit Earth regularly. Illuminati cult

Some of these claims have come from credible sources, but others have been completely fabricated. For example, in 1947, George Adamski claimed he met aliens aboard a flying saucer near Mount Shasta, California. He later retracted his story when it became clear that he'd faked the encounter.

Other alien sightings have included crop circles, mysterious lights in the sky, and strange objects found buried underground. Some of these stories may contain elements of truth, but they're usually nothing more than elaborate hoaxes.

#4 - Vaccines Are Used To Kill Babies

Vaccination is one of the greatest public health achievements of modern times. Since the late 1800s, vaccines have prevented millions of deaths due to deadly diseases like smallpox, polio, and measles. I want to be illuminati

The problem is that many people still fear vaccines, claiming that they can cause autism or lead to other problems. So how could a medical procedure be responsible for causing harm?

Well, there's no scientific evidence that proves vaccines cause autism. In fact, numerous studies show that children who receive vaccinations grow normally and develop normally into adulthood.

So why do parents refuse to vaccinate their kids againstdangerous illnesses? If your child gets vaccinated, you should ask yourself: "What are the side effects?"

#5 - The Moon Landing Was A Hoax Created By NASA

One day in 1969, NASA launched men to the moon. This mission became known as Apollo 11. But what happened next was unprecedented. Join illuminati online now

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